Before I really got into 'Top Chef,' I survived on culinary shows featuring a chef with bed head calling people "dumb donkeys" and going on obscenity laced tirades.
Every year Bravo delivers a much more refined, but still drama packed culinary option. This year…the 10th year…will end AWESOME. For the first time in Top Chef history, the finale will be done in front of a live audience packed with foodie elite, past Top Chef standouts and lucky fans.
The some of the eliminated chefs return to help out their surviving comrades. I noticed CJ, Stefan, Josh and Sheldon working diligently in the background. Kristen is rocking dark blue/black and Brooke is angelic in white. It appears Team White consists of CJ, Stefan and Kuniko backing Brooke while Sheldon with his pals Josh and Lizzie work under Kristen.
Kristen appears to be the crowd's favorite as she gets a very enthusiastic reception. Brooke gets some love too, but it doesn't appear to be as fervent.
Who will Win Top Chef Season 10? We will find out Wednesday February 27th, but one thing is for sure…we will finally have the second woman to nab the title.

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