Pink Fire Pointer Allie is Wired: ‘Top Chef’ Seattle Recap – Episode 16 #topchef

Allie is Wired: ‘Top Chef’ Seattle Recap – Episode 16 #topchef

Allie is Wired
Because Hollywood is Funny!
'Top Chef' Seattle Recap – Episode 16 #topchef
Feb 21st 2013, 04:01

It’s finally here! Part 1 of the ‘Top Chef’ Seattle Season 10 finale has come. We finally get to find out who won the 3 battle for the last “wild card” spot for the final battle for the title. Click HERE for all of Allie is Wired’s Top Chef coverage including a contest where you could win dinner on us!

I miss Josh already. Brooke and Sheldon are giddy with joy after nabbing the final two spots. They each return home and 6 months pass in a blur.

Sheldon goes back to work at Star Noodle and he still has his sock hat. He greats restaurants guests who beg to have his autograph and take pictures with him. Later, he grills out on a beach with his family. He praises his wife for being able to cope with 3 girls on her own. The are adorable and he has a ton of support as his family and friends are full of smiles.

Brooke returns home to brush her son’s teeth, play with his hair and play robots. She then goes to work. A mountain of paperwork waits for her along with a trip to the kitchen. She discusses her relationship with her husband who started as her sous chef. She sits down with Roy Choi, owner of A Frame, and her mentor to have dinner and talk strategy.

They return to the ‘Top Chef’ digs which have been set up Tom’s restaurant, Craft. Hugh, Padma, Emeril and Tom wait to reveal the Last Chance Kitchen winner…Kristen! I knew it! HA!

Each chef will need to create a 3 course meal and Tom will expedite meals. Hugh and Emeril will be “checking in” on the chefs. Padma will sit at the bar and look gorgeous.

The chefs run to the protein locker and try and pick their meats, but find themselves overwhelmed. Sheldon picks a quail and Brooke gives him the side eye. It’s totally out of left field for him. He knows it, but hopes to impress with the curve ball. Kristen goes for tuna while Brooke bounces between short ribs…no…yes…no…short ribs…yes.

Emeril makes a round with Sheldon and advises him to taste everything. Kristen and Sheldon then have a friendly bonding moment over a few laughs. They both seem like they don’t have a care in the world…Brooke is having a “bad day” as she is burning things, running out of time and second guessing everything. Each chef suddenly stresses over dessert. It’s the TC downfall.

Kristen reveals that she is sweating in places she didn’t know could sweat. Tom arrives at the last minute to expedite and smiles as he demands the kitchen be cleaned up after seeing it is a mess. Orders flood in. Tom tastes in the kitchen and runs the show while rubbing his face in frustration.

Sheldon’s soup gets a thumbs up while Kristen’s gets a “meh.” Brooke’s sweet breads get mixed reviews. Eventually Brooke gets backed up. Tom makes her re-plate a dish and she is stressing. Kristen reveals a little too much again and admits that she peed her pants a little with Tom calling dishes.

Hugh notices Sheldon’s risk and Emeril agrees. It’s a thumbs down. Tom is still barking orders and lighting, not just fires, blow torches under everyone’s rump. He wants the dishes yesterday and is eye rolling like Michelle Obama being served a king sized candy bar. None of the desserts seem to please the panel and Brooke deems the service her “worst night ever.”

Tom surfaces from the kitchen. He reports that Brooke struggled a bit more than the others, but overall they did great. The retire to the judges table. Kristen is sweating her dessert and I realize how much I missed her on the competition. Bless Last Chance Kitchen!

Emeril begs Sheldon to return to his old self. Hugh agrees and they miss the element that makes the “old” Sheldon. Hugh also notes that Kristen strayed from her usual complexity and felt her dish was too safe. Emeril stands on his own when he says he likes the chocolate pot Kristen created. Tom and Hugh pull disgusted faces.

Brooke gets a verbal smack bottom for not cleaning her sweet breads enough. Padma was ready to bathe in her sauce and mentions that she wanted to dip Kristen’s tuna in the Parmesan sauce. They all, sans Tom, loved her dessert.

After a discussion that weighs everyone’s strengths and weaknesses, we get the final ruling…

Sheldon is eliminated. It’s hard. All 3 chefs have you pulling for them. However, Sheldon straying from his usual delivery, makes my prediction come true. Kristen and Brooke will fight it out to become the 2nd woman to win ‘Top Chef.’

Tune in for the finale on Wed. February 27th at 10/9 c for the finale!

bravo, top chef

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